I'm proud to announce the start of a new resource for individuals involved in, or interested in, analytics and technology as applied to the casino gaming industry. The Casino Analytics Professional Cooperative, or CAP-COOP, plans Meetups, educational sessions, networking events, mentoring, and other opportunities for analysts to meet each other and increase their knowledge.

Our first event, held last week, was very successful, with a room (generously provided by the InNEVation Center by Switch) nearly filled to capacity. Our two presentations were an introduction to the Python and R languages, currently the most popular for any kind of analytic work, and a live coding session in Python where we investigated the accuracy of the 80/20 rule at a typical casino (hint: 90/10 or even 100/10 is closer to reality — yes, that is 10% of your customers generating 90%, 100% or even more, of your total revenue.)
The “cooperative” in CAP-COOP is important. We value inclusion and any member who wishes to give a presentation or ask a question is encouraged to do so. We welcome the spirit of friendship, not competitive rivalries.
CAP-COOP’s web site, which includes a summary of the first event, is at https://casinoanalytics.org and the Meetup group is at https://meetup.com/Casino-Analytics/
We look forward to having you join us!